DanceSport Rankings
See also: Categories: DanceSport, Organizations
The creation of DanceSport Rankings (DSR) was driven by the necessity to uniform and synchronize industry related activities. This platform will offer a way to rank and rate the individuals, organizations, and events of the DanceSport industry based on various criteria, historical data, performances, and popularity. It will also allow athletes to participate in the opinion sharing and evaluation.Aside from the rate and rank system, DSR will also involve a competition management software. This will allow athletes to register online for various competitions and events that competition organizers will create. After the event has concluded, all score-sheets and results shall be posted shortly afterwards.
For event organizers, DanceSport Rankings will offer a service of DSR Improvement. With this system, officials will be able to obtain a way of increasing their DSR score in order to obtain a higher ranking of position nationally as well as worldwide for their event. The higher the DSR, the more likely athletes will attend the event. The more athletes that attend the event, the higher the success rate for that organizer and his or her personal DSR score.
For athletes, DSR scores will also be calculated depending on results, competition participation, and historical data. Just as for event organizers, adjudicators, and officials, athletes will also have the chance to obtain DSR Improvement to boost their DSR score based on statistics and a guided plan.
The Concept
The concept of DSR involves trying to eliminate the boundaries of multi-federation politics and deliver one source for anyone who is involved within the industry to gather historical data of events, studios, camps, adjudicators, instructors, athletes, couples, etc. An algorithm calculates each subject's DSR score (DanceSport Ranking Score) and ARS (Average Ranking Score).The DSR platform will involve a competition management software that will provide a way to check results of competitions based on various criteria to alert of possible favoritism and unfair rulings.
- Rate and Rank
- Profile Management
- Personal (Athlete, Adjudicator, Competition Organizer, etc.)
- Studio
- Competition
- Store Front
- Competition Management
- Registration
- Results and Score-Sheets
- Historical Data
- Favoritism and Unfair Ruling Alerts
- Service of DSR Improvement