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The Ball NYC

See also: Categories: Dances, History, Ballroom, DanceSport

Location: New York
Studio number: 212-868-0818


The Ball- New York Dance Studios


Modern. Beautiful. Glamorous. The Ball NY Dance Studios. We are dedicated to uplifting the community by offering world-class dance instruction and exciting, moving and powerful performances. Truly unique, we are the only Ballroom Dance Studio in Manhattan offering instruction and entertainment in Ballroom Dance, Salsa, Argentine Tango, Flamenco and Belly Dance. The Ball NY serves as a home to dancers and admirers of all levels, ages, nationalities and walks of life, as well as to World and National Dance Champions. Our experienced staff guarantees the highest quality of professional excellence. Whether you wish to learn Social, Performance or Competition style dancing, to rehearse or to teach, we are here to serve you on the road to making your dance dreams a reality. Please explore our site for useful information about the services we offer, along with other dance related topics



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