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Mila Lehkovenko

See also: Categories: Instructors, Adjudicators, Dancers, Latin

Born: July 25, 1987
Hometown: Ukraine
Current location: Old Bridge, New Jersey
Current status:

Mila Lehkovenko is a former Professional Ballroom Dance competitor specializing in the International Style Latin. Mila is a National Ukrainian Champion, semi-finalists in European Championship (Moscow), 2008 top 9 in German Open Championships (GOC) and 2012 semi-finalists in World Championship in Paris (France).


Mila Lehkovenko is a World Class Adjudicator from Ukraine. She is the former owner of one of the top dance studios in the Ukraine, Dance-Style and has many years of teaching experience. During her teaching career her juvenile, junior and youth couples won countless Nationals and International Championships, including Ukrainian National Championnships, Blackpool Dance Festival, The International Championships, World Championship (France) and other top World competitions.

Mila and her partner Slavik Legkovenko are 2005, 2008, 2011 Ukrainian National Champions in Professional Latin division. Top 74 from 266 couples in Professional Latin at the "Blackpool Dance Festival", Top 25 from 130 couples in Professional Rising Star Latin at the UK Open Championships. They are semi-finalists in European Championship (Moscow), 2008 top 9 in German Open Championships (GOC), 2010 top 17 in International Championships in England, 2012 semi-finalists in World Championship in Paris (France).


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